2019 Collaborative Product Design Internship 40623206

OnshapeWeek12 << Previous Next >> 學習進度


Course Wrap-Up.pdf

Congratulations, you’ve completed the 12-week course on Computer-Aided Design (CAD) using Onshape! Even though this is just an introductory course(入門課程), you’ve made some pretty cool models, along with two fairly(相當) complex projects. In addition to becoming comfortable with Onshape, you hopefully have a better understanding of CAD and how it has become such an integral part of the Product Development Process. No longer just an “automated drawing tool,” CAD is now a platform where designers and engineers can document their design intent, share new ideas with others, and communicate within their team.

恭喜,您已經使用Onshape完成了為期12週的計算機輔助設計 ( CAD ) 課程 ! 即使這只是一個入門課程,你已經製作一些非常酷的模型,以及兩個相當複雜的項目。除了對Onshape感到滿意之外,你還希望有一個更好的了解CAD以及它如何成為產品開發過程中不可或缺的一部分。 CAD不再僅僅是一個“自動繪圖工具”,它現在是一個平台,設計師和工程師可以在其中記錄他們的設計意圖,與他人分享新想法,並在團隊內部進行溝通。

In addition, this curriculum(課程) was intended to introduce you to the concepts of Design for Manufacturing & Assembly (DFM/DFA), specifically how to use Top-Down Design techniques to design the perfect assembly, manage hardware and other “off the shelf(現成的)” components such as speakers and electric motors, and consider common manufacturing processes like Plastic Injection Molding(注塑成型), and CNC machining.

此外,本課程意圖在向你介紹製造與裝配設計(DFM / DFA)的概念,特別是如何使用自上而下的設計技術來設計完美的裝配,管理硬件和其他“現成”組件例如揚聲器和電動機,並考慮塑料注塑成型和CNC加工等常見製造過程。

To conclude(結論) this course, let’s briefly(簡要) review some important concepts that we covered throughout the weeks.


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