FeatureScript 336; import(path : "onshape/std/geometry.fs", version : "336.0"); // 設定填充百分比範圍為1~100,預設10 export const INFILL_BOUNDS = ///設定值域 { "min" : 1, "max" : 100, (unitless) : [1, 10, 100] } as IntegerBoundSpec; //限定整數 // parameter values (real numbers) in various document unit systems with defaults export const HEX_BOUNDS = { "min" : 1 * millimeter, "max" : 100 * millimeter, (meter) : [0.0, 0.025, 500], (centimeter) : 0.5, (millimeter) : [1, 5, 100], (inch) : .25, (foot) : 0.015, (yard) : 0.005 } as LengthBoundSpec; //限定整數 //----------------- annotation { "Feature Type Name" : "HexInfill" } export const HexInfill = defineFeature(function(context is Context, id is Id, definition is map) precondition { annotation { "Name" : "Part To Hex Infill", "Filter" : EntityType.BODY, "MaxNumberOfPicks" : 1 } //表單名稱:Part To Hex Infill,可選項目:實體,最大選擇數:1 definition.PartToInfill is Query; //把所選項目定義為PartToInfill之後要用到只要輸入definition.PartToInfill就代表所選的實體 annotation { "Name" : "Wall Thickness" } //表單名稱:Wall Thickness isLength(definition.WallThickness, HEX_BOUNDS); //輸入長度且基礎設定由HEX_BOUNDS輸入 annotation { "Name" : "Hex Width" } //表單名稱:Hex Width isLength(definition.HexWidth, HEX_BOUNDS); annotation { "Name" : "% InFill" } //表單名稱:% InFill isInteger(definition.InFill, INFILL_BOUNDS); annotation { "Name" : "HexPreview", "Default" : true }//表單名稱:HexPreview 預設:是 definition.HexPreview is boolean; //設定輸出為布林值(輸出1或0判斷是或否) } //----------------- { // get the limits of the bounding box var boundingBox is Box3d = evBox3d(context, { "topology" : definition.PartToInfill }); //運用所選實體找出邊界框 var bbx1 = boundingBox.minCorner[0]; //定義所選實體中最小x座標為bbx1 var bby1 = boundingBox.minCorner[1]; //定義所選實體中最小y座標為bby1 var bbz1 = boundingBox.minCorner[2]; //定義所選實體中最小z座標為bbz1 var bbx2 = boundingBox.maxCorner[0]; //定義所選實體中最大x座標為bbx2 var bby2 = boundingBox.maxCorner[1]; //定義所選實體中最大y座標為bby2 // from the hex width, define some other variables var FullWidthDimless = (definition.HexWidth) / meter; //六角形內接圓直徑 var HalfWidthDimless = (definition.HexWidth / 2) / meter;//六角形內接圓半徑 var LongArm = HalfWidthDimless / cos(30 * degree); //六角形外接圓半徑 var Flat = (HalfWidthDimless * tan(30 * degree)) * 2; //六角形邊長 var Yincrement = LongArm + (Flat / 2); //兩六角形連心線至上方六角型垂直距離 var TotalXcells = ceil((bbx2 - bbx1) / definition.HexWidth) + 1; //定義x方向六邊形總數 (ceil 大於某數的最大整數) var TotalYcells = ceil((bby2 - bby1) / (Yincrement * meter)) + 1; //定義y方向六邊形總數 var AreaOfHex = (6 * (HalfWidthDimless * HalfWidthDimless)) / (sqrt(3)); //六邊形面積 (6*三角形面積) var ReducedArea = AreaOfHex * ((100 - definition.InFill) / 100); //六邊形縮小後面積 (由表單瑱入% InFill之值決定縮小多少) var ReducedHalfWidth = sqrt((sqrt(3) * ReducedArea) / 6); //反推縮小面積後的外接圓半徑 var ThickenAmount = (FullWidthDimless - (ReducedHalfWidth * 2)) / 2; //邊長縮小長度 LongArm -= ThickenAmount; // this is the 'radius' of the reduced (infilled) hex 把縮小長度轉為負數 // define some variables that we will use to create the hex sketch 定義製作六邊形草圖的數值 var Origin = vector([0, 0, bbz1]) * meter; // origin (lower z bounding box) 原點位置 var Normal = vector([0, 0, 1]); // sketch normal (z+) 草圖法線方向 var Xdir = vector([1, 0, 0]); // define x direction in the new sketch 新草圖中的x方向 // create the plane on which to generate the sketch 創建用來生成草圖的平面 var HexPlane is Plane = plane(Origin, Normal, Xdir); // create sketch 創建草圖 var HexSketch = newSketchOnPlane(context, id + "HexSketch", { "sketchPlane" : HexPlane //草圖平面為HexPlane }); // all the hexes are the same size so we only have to calculate the 6 node locations (relative to the hex center) one time var x1 = makeArray(6); //定義數列 x1 (6個值) var y1 = makeArray(6); //定義數列 y1 (6個值) var x2 = makeArray(6); //定義數列 x2 (6個值) var y2 = makeArray(6); //定義數列 y2 (6個值) for (var i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) //for迴圈 { var ang = i * 60; //定義ang 第1次計算為60 第2次計算為120 .... x1[i] = LongArm * cos((ang - 30) * degree); //直線繪製六邊形起始點x座標 y1[i] = LongArm * sin((ang - 30) * degree); //直線繪製六邊形起始點y座標 x2[i] = LongArm * cos((ang + 30) * degree); //直線繪製六邊形結束點x座標 y2[i] = LongArm * sin((ang + 30) * degree); //直線繪製六邊形結束點y座標 } // Begin loop to draw hex line entities 開始繪製六邊形 for ( var y = 0; y < TotalYcells; y += 1) //重複執行(Y軸六邊形總數)次 { var Xcenter = (bbx1 - definition.HexWidth) / meter; //最小x座標-內接圓直徑 var Ycenter = (bby1 + (y * (Yincrement * meter))) / meter;//最小y座標+(兩六角形連心線至上方六角型垂直距離) if (y % 2 != 0) // odd row y/2餘數不為0時 Xcenter += (FullWidthDimless / 2); //Xcenter的值 增加六角形內接圓半徑 for (var x = 0; x < TotalXcells; x += 1) //重複執行(X軸六邊形總數)次 { Xcenter += FullWidthDimless; //Xcenter的值 增加六角形內接圓直徑 for (var i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) { var LineStart = vector([Xcenter + x1[i], Ycenter + y1[i]]) * meter; //各線段起點座標 var LineEnd = vector([Xcenter + x2[i], Ycenter + y2[i]]) * meter; //各線段終點座標 // generate a unique id for every line entity in the sketch var LineID = "line"~"-"~x~"-"~y~"-"~i; // draw a line skLineSegment(HexSketch, LineID, { "start" : LineStart, "end" : LineEnd }); } } } // End line drawing loop 草圖繪畫結束 skSolve(HexSketch); // solve the sketch. Must solve the sketch before you can do anything else. 結束草圖 // do this only if the 'preview' option is un-checked 只在取消預覽時執行以下 if (!definition.HexPreview) { // make a copy of the original part 複製所選實體 transform(context, id + "CopyOfOriginal", { "entities" : definition.PartToInfill, "transformType" : TransformType.COPY, "makeCopy" : true }); // cut extrude the entire sketch through the copy of the original part 切除擠出部分 extrude(context, id + "HexCuts", { "entities" : qSketchRegion(id + "HexSketch"), "endBound" : BoundingType.THROUGH_ALL, "operationType" : NewBodyOperationType.REMOVE, "defaultScope" : false, "booleanScope" : qCreatedBy(id + "CopyOfOriginal", EntityType.BODY) }); // this debug statement shows a graphical preview of the result of the hex-removed-copy debug(context, qCreatedBy(id + "CopyOfOriginal", EntityType.BODY)); // shell (hollow) the original part - if this is not possible (fails) then show error message and exit 如果無法執行則跳出錯誤訊息並結束 try { shell(context, id + "shell", { "parts" : definition.PartToInfill, "thickness" : definition.WallThickness, "isHollow" : true }); } catch { throw regenError("Unable to shell this part with the current wall thickness"); } // querry that returns the hex-removed-copy and the shelled (hollow) original part // note: it is the first item in the querry that retains its identity (name, color etc) var PartAndHex = qUnion([definition.PartToInfill, qCreatedBy(id + "CopyOfOriginal", EntityType.BODY)]); //boolean union of shelled (hollow) part and hex-removed-copy opBoolean(context, id + "BooleanUnion", { "tools" : PartAndHex, "operationType" : BooleanOperationType.UNION }); //querry that returns all the entities in the hex sketch var StuffInSketch = qCreatedBy(id + "HexSketch", EntityType.BODY); // delete all the sketch entities opDeleteBodies(context, id + "DeleteSketchContents", { "entities" : StuffInSketch }); } // endif HexPreview }); //-----------------