FeatureScript 975; import(path : "onshape/std/geometry.fs", version : "975.0"); annotation { "Feature Type Name" : "Hex In fill" } export const HexInfill2 = defineFeature(function(context is Context, id is Id, definition is map) precondition { annotation { "Name" : "Part To Hex Infill", "Filter" : EntityType.BODY, "MaxNumberOfPicks" : 1 } //表單名稱:Part To Hex Infill,可選項目:實體,最大選擇數:1 definition.PartToInfill is Query; //把所選項目定義為PartToInfill之後要用到只要輸入definition.PartToInfill就代表所選的實體 annotation { "Name" : "Input type" } definition.HexInputType is HexInputType; //長度表單開始處 if (definition.HexInputType == HexInputType.length) { annotation { "Name" : "Wall Thickness" } //表單名稱:Wall Thickness isLength(definition.WallThickness, HEX_BOUNDS); } if (definition.HexInputType == HexInputType.length) { annotation { "Name" : "Hex Width" } //表單名稱:Hex Width isLength(definition.HexWidth, HEX_BOUNDS); } if (definition.HexInputType == HexInputType.length) { annotation { "Name" : "% InFill" } //表單名稱:% InFill isInteger(definition.InFill, INFILL_BOUNDS); } //長度表單結束 //外力表單開始處 if (definition.HexInputType == HexInputType.force) { annotation { "Name" : "Force (N)" } //表單名稱:Force (N) isReal(definition.Force, POSITIVE_REAL_BOUNDS); } if (definition.HexInputType == HexInputType.force) { annotation { "Name" : "Compressive Strength (Mpa)" } //表單名稱:Compressive Strength (Mpa) isInteger(definition.Compressive, POSITIVE_COUNT_BOUNDS); //所填數值必需>0 } if (definition.HexInputType == HexInputType.force) { annotation { "Name" : "Safety Factor" } //表單名稱:Compressive Strength (Mpa) isInteger(definition.SafetyFactor, POSITIVE_COUNT_BOUNDS); //所填數值必需>0 } //外力表單結束 annotation { "Name" : "HexPreview", "Default" : true }//表單名稱:HexPreview 預設:是 definition.HexPreview is boolean; //設定輸出為布林值(輸出1或0判斷是或否) } { }); export enum HexInputType { annotation { "Name" : "Length" } length, annotation { "Name" : "Force" } force } export const INFILL_BOUNDS = ///設定值域 { (unitless) : [1, 10, 100] } as IntegerBoundSpec; //限定整數 export const HEX_BOUNDS = { (millimeter) : [1, 5, 100], } as LengthBoundSpec; //限定整數