2018 Fall 40623248 網站

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Auxiliary design website in the network and the cloud


From #16, you can use the Ubuntu 18.04 host to build an Internet-assisted design website. Next, please try to use the Heroku free service to build each group's Internet-assisted design website.

 #16 可以自行利用 Ubuntu 18.04 主機建立網際輔助設計網站, 接下來, 請各組嘗試利用 Heroku 的免費服務建立各組的網際輔助設計網站.

District Network Assistant Design Website


1. Planning to use the IPv6 protocol to access the Internet

規劃使用 IPv6 協定上網

2. Install Ubuntu 18.04 Server (each group can be practiced in the computer classroom with Virtualbox and IPv4 network)

安裝 Ubuntu 18.04 Server (各組可以在電腦教室中, 以 Virtualbox 及 IPv4 網路進行練習)

3. Set up a pure IPv6 network

設定純 IPv6 網路

4. Install Nginx

安裝 Nginx

5. Install Flask and bs4

安裝 Flask 與 bs4

6. Install uwsgi and Plugin

安裝 uwsgi 與 Plugin

7. Set Nginx

設定 Nginx

8. Set uwsgi to start

設定 uwsgi 啟動

9. Set to start the auxiliary design servo program with the boot


Cloud Aided Design Website


1. Planning to use portable Heroku cli

規劃使用可攜 Heroku cli

2. Register your Heroku account, log in after completing the mailbox verification

登記 Heroku 帳號, 完成信箱驗證後登入

3. Establish cloud site warehousing


4. Git clone the site to the near working directory

將網站倉儲 git clone 到近端工作目錄

5. Configuring the Flask Auxiliary Designer in the Near End Working Directory

配置近端工作目錄中的 Flask 輔助設計程式

6. Log in to Heroku at the near end

在近端登入 Heroku

7. Add a push push with Git, launch the near-end program to Heroku Cloud and launch it

以 Git 新增提交推送, 將近端程式送至 Heroku 雲端後啟動

8. Push the near-end program with git remote add, push the sync version to Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket and Fossil SCM in the network

將近端程式以 git remote add, 推送同步版本至 Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket 與區網中的 Fossil SCM

9. https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/github-integration

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