2018 40623250 Fall 分組網站

Week5 << Previous Next >> Week6


  1. Describe in your own words, what is design intent?
    ( 用你自己的話來描述什麼是設計意圖 ) 

    Design Intent is the practice of developing your project’s objectives and      requirementseven before working on your design.
    ( 設計意圖是在開始設計之前開發項目目標和要求的實踐 ) 
  2. What is the difference between sketch entities that are colored blue, black, and red? ( 藍色,黑色和紅色的草圖實體之間有什麼區別 )

    Blue means it is underconstrained, black means it is fully constrained, and red means it is overconstrained.
    ( 藍色表示它不受約束,黑色表示它完全受約束,紅色表示它過度約束)
  3. What is automatic inferencing, and how is it utilized?
     ( 什麼是自動推理,它是如何使用的 )

    When Onshape automatically assigns constraints to sketch entities while sketching. It can be activated by hovering over an existing entity, or temporarily turned off by
    selecting the [shift] key. ( 當Onshape在繪製草圖時自動為草圖實體指定約束時。 可  以通過將鼠標懸停在現有實體上來激活它,也可以通過選擇[shift]鍵暫時關閉它 )
  4.  Which feature is this and what is it used for: ?( 這是什麼功能以及它用於 )

     This is the plane tool, used to create new planes in addition to the default
     Top/Right/Front planes.
     ( 這是平面工具,除了默認的頂部/右側/前平面外,還用於創建新平面 )
  5. How are fillets and chamfers similar? How are they different?
    ( 圓角和倒角有什麼相同? 他們有什麼不同?)

    They are the same in that both features are applied to edges only, they are different in that a fillet creates a round profile, and a chamfer creates a flat profile.
    ( 它們的相同之處在於兩個特徵僅應用於邊緣,它們的不同之處在於圓角創建圓 形輪廓,倒角創建平坦輪廓 )

Week5 << Previous Next >> Week6