2018 40623250 Fall 分組網站

Week12 << Previous Next >> Week13


1. What is draft, and for what manufacturing purpose is it mainly used? 


Draft is when you add a small angle (1-3°) to any surface so that it may be properly manufactured using Plastic Injection Molding processes. The draft angle is measured between the the surface and the direction of pull.

拔模是指在任何表面上添加一個小角度(1-3°),以便可以使用注塑成型工藝正確脫模。 在表面和拉動方向之間測量拔模角度。

2. Why are small radii common in parts that have been designed for plastic injection molding? 


Adding small radii to sharp edges allows for the plastic to “flow” better during the molding process, and facilitates easier removal of the part from the tooling after molding.


3. What is a “Split” feature?


It is when you cut a single part into multiple parts using a surface or plane.


4. Explain a typical use of a Variable in Onshape. 


A Variable is used to establish a design parameter, for example the thickness of a plastic part, that may be referenced throughout the design; in multiple features and parts.

變量用於建立設計參數,例如塑料部件的厚度,可在整個設計中參考; 在多個功能和部分。

5. Explain what is going on in the “thickness” entry of the dialog box below:


We are defining the thickness of the rib feature as an expression, 0.7 X “thk” inches, where “thk” is a previously defined variable in our model.

我們將肋骨特徵的厚度定義為表達式,0.7 X“thk”英寸,其中“thk”是我們模型中先前定義的變量。

Week12 << Previous Next >> Week13