2018 40623250 Fall 分組網站

Week10 << Previous Next >> Week11


1. What is a “Version” and why are they used? 


A version is a specific point in time in the history of the model that can always be restored. When sharing documents, the last saved version is used. Versions capture snapshots of the design process.

版本是模型歷史記錄中可以始終恢復的特定時間點。 共享文檔時,使用上次保存的版本。 版本捕獲設計過程的快照。

2. Describe what FeatureScript is. 


Featurescript allows you to create your own custom features in Onshape that you can share with the rest of the Onshape community? They behave just like any other Onshape feature because they are written using the same language.

Featurescript 允許您在 Onshape 中創建自己的自定義功能,您可以與其他的Onshape社區共享? 它們的行為與任何其他Onshape功能一樣,因為它們是使用相同的語言編寫的。

3. Give two examples of custom features.


Rib, Screw Boss, etc.


4. Does Onshape’s history clear itself when you close your browser window or logout of Onshape? 

當您關閉瀏覽器窗口或註銷 Onshape 時,Onshape 的歷史是否註銷?

No, Onshape’s history is permanent and forever.


5. Can features be re-ordered in Onshape, if so how? 

可以在 Onshape 中重新排序功能,如果是這樣的話怎麼樣?

Yes, simply click on a feature and drag it up/down the feature list.


Week10 << Previous Next >> Week11