2018 Fall 40623203 Personal Website

Issue & Solution << Previous Next >> Week2


Today is my first time to hear about Onshape this website. I have never known what it is. Because curiosity drives it, I went online to see what it is. It turned out to be an online drawing software. After many years of development and The finished product is tested. Through the proximal and remote to maintain and update the blog, the unsolvable problems can also be raised in the comment. After finding out the error and understanding, you can also share the solution on the Internet.

今天上課是我第一次聽說過 Onshape 這個名稱,一直不曉得它是甚麼,因為好奇心驅使,所以就上網去瞧瞧究竟是甚麼,原來是一個線上繪圖軟體,經過了很多年的開發及測試才完成的成品。透過近端、遠端來維護及更新網誌,無法解決的問題也可以在 comment 提出,找出錯誤並理解後,也可以在網路上跟大家分享解決辦法。

Issue & Solution << Previous Next >> Week2