2018 Fall 40623203 Personal Website

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ShareX setting path and microphone

ShareX 設定路徑及麥克風

ShareX screenshots and video features

ShareX 截圖及錄影的功能

Zoomit can use Ctrl + 1 to zoom in on the screen, select the screen, highlight the highlight with a brush, or use ShareX's Ctrl + PrintScreen to capture the image.

Zoomit 可以利用 Ctrl + 1 以 Zoomit 的功能放大螢幕,選擇畫面,,以畫筆標示重點,也可以結合 ShareX 的 Ctrl + PrintScreen  擷取圖片

Receive storage:


1. First pick up the warehouse from the teacher:mde.tw > i > Week1 > https://classroom.github.com/a/fGqXU9kO > @mdecadp2018 > https://github.com/mdecadp2018/site-40623203

先跟老師領取倉儲 mde.tw > i > Week1 > https://classroom.github.com/a/fGqXU9kO  > @mdecadp2018 > https://github.com/mdecadp2018/site-40623203

2. After the collection is completed, you can start to maintain the blog.


3. Set the default branch to gh-pages

將內定 branch 設為 gh-pages

4. After git clone the job to proximal, before the Week9, master the progress, shoot the internship video every week, and put the content and experience of the textbook into your personal website, newsletter and blog.

作業倉儲 git clone 至近端後,在 Week9 前,自行掌握進度,每週拍攝操作實習影片,將教材內容與使用心得放入個人的網站、簡報與網誌中

To add a colored box to the image, open cmsimfly.leo > syntaxhighlight in LEO to adjust the line thickness and color.

若要在圖片加上有顏色的框,在 LEO 開啟 cmsimfly.leo > syntaxhighlight 調整框線粗細及顏色

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