2018 Fall 40623203 Personal Website

Onshape Assessment7 << Previous Next >> Week12


This week, we confirmed the independent study : Marble Machine system, looking for different kinds of information, discussing each other and giving advice, and slowly finalizing the case. I and the team members have already started to make Onshape manuals. In various discussions, I decided to use gif and text descriptions to introduce 7 titles. After each other, We will check each other and find the problem and upload it to the correct version. Each project is completed by each other's expertise.

我們在這一週確認專題題目:鋼球運動系統,尋找各種不同的資料,互相討論給予意見,慢慢地定案。我和組員們已經著手開始製作 Onshape 手冊,在各種討論聲中,決定好要用 gif 和文字的說明來介紹7個標題,彼此製作完成後,互相檢查,發現問題就自行上傳更新成正確的版本,藉由彼此的專長來完成各個項目。

Onshape Assessment7 << Previous Next >> Week12