2018 Fall 40623203 Personal Website

Onshape Assessment11 << Previous Next >> Week16


This week, the teacher helped us to solve the problems that occurred in the previous week, so that the names of the team members can be skipped neatly arranged in the PDF, but a lot of problems occurred during the modification, so that the PDF has been exploded, and the cover disappeared completely. A constant test, find and solve the problem one by one, although not succeeded in the end, but still learned a lot of new knowledge. The teacher and we discussed whether we should use the final report produced by the freshman to make it. When we were in our freshman year, we could not successfully use it to complete the final report because of some minor situations. I hope this can be completed smoothly.

這一週老師幫助我們解決上一週所發生的問題,使組員的名字可以跳行整齊的排列在 PDF 裡,但是在修改途中發生了很多的問題,使得 PDF 一直爆掉,封面整個消失,經過一點一滴不斷的測試,將問題一一找出並解決,雖然到最後都沒有成功得做出,但是還是學習到了很多新的知識。老師和我們討論是否要用大一所製作的期末報告來製作,我們大一的時候因為一些小狀況,導致無法成功使用它來完成期末報告,希望這次能順利的完成。

Onshape Assessment11 << Previous Next >> Week16